Feast of the Queenship of Mary

May 31 is the traditional Feast of the Queenship of Mary, established during the reign of Pope Pius XII.
The original ceremony for this feast centered around the crowning of the Salus Populi Romani icon of the Virgin Mary in Rome by Pius XII as part of a procession in Rome. The feast as a whole commemorates liturgically the longstanding devotion of the Blessed Virgin as the Queen of Heaven.
Since we are convinced, after long and serious reflection, that great good will accrue to the Church if this solidly established truth shines forth more clearly to all, like a luminous lamp raised aloft, by Our Apostolic authority We decree and establish the feast of Mary's Queenship, which is to be celebrated every year in the whole world on the 31st of May. We likewise ordain that on the same day the consecration of the human race to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary be renewed, cherishing the hope that through such consecration a new era may begin, joyous in Christian peace and in the triumph of religion.
Let all, therefore, try to approach with greater trust the throne of grace and mercy of our Queen and Mother, and beg for strength in adversity, light in darkness, consolation in sorrow; above all let them strive to free themselves from the slavery of sin and offer an unceasing homage, filled with filial loyalty, to their Queenly Mother. Let her churches be thronged by the faithful, her feast-days honored; may the beads of the Rosary be in the hands of all; may Christians gather, in small numbers and large, to sing her praises in churches, in homes, in hospitals, in prisons. May Mary's name be held in highest reverence, a name sweeter than honey and more precious than jewels; may none utter blasphemous words, the sign of a defiled soul, against that name graced with such dignity and revered for its motherly goodness; let no one be so bold as to speak a syllable which lacks the respect due to her name."
Pius XII, Ad Caeli Reginam - October 11, 1954
May this feast, and indeed every day, encourage us to recite our rosaries to our Heavenly Queen and to renew our dedication to the Society of Saint Pius X’s Rosary Crusade.
Remember that as part of the crusade, it is important to turn in your tallies each month.
Regina Sacratissimi Rosarii, ora pro nobis.