Feb. 2020 - Letter to Friends and Benefactors No. 89
My dear faithful, friends and benefactors, For a long time, I have wanted to address these few words to you.
Read here the most recent letters from the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X to the faithful.
My dear faithful, friends and benefactors, For a long time, I have wanted to address these few words to you.
Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X shows: The links among the revolt of Luther, the Bolshevik Revolution and the miracle of Fatima: Liberal laxity and state communism/socialism. The great anti-Christian persecutions carried out by the Communists had been announced by Our Lady at Fatima and she gives us the supernatural remedy to these evils.
Luther's private judgment denies the need for supernatural authority and makes unity in the truth impossible. This principle amounts to denying the need for a supernatural, infallible authority that can impose itself on particular judgments. Thus stated, what Protestant would feel the need to convert? Furthermore, this new attitude causes the loss of faith in countless Catholics.
The history of the 20th and 21st centuries is profoundly dependent on the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To prepare for the centenary of the Fatima apparitions, we will launch a new Rosary crusade, the prayer that the Immaculate Heart of Mary requested so urgently. We therefore continue to earnestly await the triumph of the Immaculate Heart when Russia will be consecrated and all holy requests of the Blessed Virgin Mary are fulfilled.
Dear Friends and Benefactors, With the multiplication of murderous attacks in Europe and Africa, and with the bloody persecution of many Christians in the Middle East, these recent months show us how profoundly troubled the situation of the world is. In the Church, the recent Synod on the Family and the upcoming start of the Holy Year do not fail to cause legitimate worries. Given this confusion, it seemed helpful to us to inform you of our reflections by responding to your queries. We think that this presentation will make it possible to highlight more clearly how we who are devoted to Tradition should react to the problems facing us today.
In a conference on January 20, 2015, Cardinal Mardiaga considers that mercy must give a new spirit to the reforms introduced by the Second Vatican Council in order to open the Church to today’s world. Mercy without repentance for sins is used for this end; it appears to be nothing else than a complacent look on the sinner and his sins. In view of the coming Holy Year, it is necessary to discern between this one-sided mercy and true mercy which fully invites to conversion, to the rejection of sin. Our prayers and penances during this year must be an answer to the request of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to Mary at Fatima, whose centenary we will celebrate in 2017.
Communique of the General House of the Society of St. Pius X concerning the episcopal consecration of Fr. Jean-Michel Faure.
Bishop Fellay writes about Pope Benedict's "disastrous vision" for the Church, while offering certain remedies the SSPX provides to counteract present-day dangers.
The Superior General Bishop Fellay explains the double problem behind the canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II due to take place on April 27th.
Both, religious ignorance and the reaffirmation of the unfortunate direction of the Second Vatican Council cannot but aggravate the tragic situation of the Church. It will take a superhuman effort to counteract this constant threat for souls and for the Church. Therefore the Society will start the fourth Rosary crusade, a crusade of one's duty of state.